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FBC Kids


FBC Kids seeks to faithfully teach and train children to live for Jesus and live like Jesus. 

Our Children's Ministry meets on Sunday mornings and on Wednesday nights (aka Midweek) during the Fall and Spring, along with offering opportunities for participation in things like Children's Choir (Fall/Spring), Vacation Bible School (VBS), Children's Camp, family fellowships/events, and mission opportunties.

For more information or questions about FBC Kids, please contact Elizabeth Kuykendall or the Church Office at 580.234.1133 or at, or stop by the Connect Center in the Lobby on any Sunday morning. 

Check below for a quick summary of details for our various branches within FBC Kids.



Nursery is offered during Sunday School for Birth to 2 years old, and during our main Worship Service (aka Extended Session) for Birth to 5 years old.



Preschoolers meet on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights (Fall/Spring). Our goal is to work to equip parents/guardians to be the primary spiritual provider for their family, and to show children that there is one true God who loves them so much.

During Sunday School (9:15 on Sunday mornings) your child will learn about the glorious works of God and about the Bible through Bible stories, conversations, art time, music and play. We hope you will read and engage with your preschooler(s) using the items he or she brings home on Sundays or Wednesdays.

On Sunday morings, preschoolers under age 3 are grouped by age and development, while preschoolers aged 3 to Kindergarten are grouped by school year.

On Wednesday nights (Fall/Spring), we offer Cubbies for our preschoolers.



Children in grades 1 – 5 meet on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights (Fall/Spring). We provide them a wonderful Christian environment that is safe, fun, and exciting. On Sundays, we utilize Lifeway’s Bible Studies for Life curriculum that integrates a variety of activities including skits, games, bible skills, verse memorization, story-telling, role-playing and more. On Wednesdays (Fall/Spring), we utilize Awana curriculum. 

Proverbs instructs us to ‘Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it’ – a calling we endeavor to fulfill as we provide the foundations of faith and an introduction to God’s Word.

Sunday School classes are divided by grade with 2 – 3 leaders per classroom to help guide your child(ren) in studying God’s Word.






What measures are in place to protect children from abuse?

All adult volunteers who work with children at First Baptist Enid must be members, pass a criminal background check, be interviewed, undergo sexual abuse awareness training provided by MinistrySafe, and abide by FBC Enid's policies and procedures. Children ages 10-17 are allowed to volunteer with the supervision of approved adults, in accordance with FBC Enid's policies and procedures.

Ministry Safe

How do we drop-off and pick-up?

You can drop-off and pick-up your child(ren) in the Children's Building. Nursery/Preschool is on the Upper Level (UL), while Elementary is on the Lower Level (LL). Someone will greet you at the children's check-in station to walk you through any other instructions and to answer anymore of your questions.

Our Preschool (Birth – Pre-K) uses a numbered sticker system for security. As the adult checks the child in at their classroom, they will receive a numbered 3-part sticker. The top part of the sticker is the “claim tag” for the child. It should be presented on picking up your preschooler. The middle section is for communication and is placed on your child’s back. It has a place for special instructions and a place for your phone number so that we may reach you in case of emergency. The bottom section is an additional label that can be used to label a bag, cup or coat that your child may have with them. Parents please understand that while this may be an inconvenience at times, it is for the safety of all of our children to cooperate with this procedure. Note: For your child’s safety we are unable to dispense any medications for your child other than an inhaler.

My child has a food allergy. Will that be a problem?

We often provide a snacks, such as: goldfish, pretzels, etc. are served. If your child has a food allergy we recommend notifying the teachers at check-in and bringing your child’s own snack.

If at anytime you have a question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact us.

What policies are in place regarding illness?

First Baptist Enid has a “Well-Child” policy that we enforce for our ministries. We make it a point to inform all participating parents and volunteers of this policy. The policy is as follows:

  • If your child is exhibiting any of the following symptoms and it is impossible to keep him home, please keep him with you at church. The classroom leaders of each age department are authorized to turn away ill children for the sake of other children and caregivers present.
  • A child may not be admitted into the classroom if they have exhibited any of the following symptoms within the last 24 hours, with or without medication: fever, runny nose (unless associated with allergies), cold symptoms, croup or severe coughing, sore throat, any unexplained rash, diarrhea, vomiting, eye infection, head lice, symptoms of any childhood disease (chicken pox, measles, hand-foot-and-mouth, etc.), a cough plus any other symptom.
  • If any of these symptoms arise while your child is in our care, you will be notified immediately and asked to keep your child with you for the remainder of the time.
  • If a child in your family has a contagious illness, please consider keeping his/her siblings out for that week.
  • Medication cannot be administered to children while they are under our care.
  • A child is welcome into the classroom with an open wound if it is covered immediately with a bandage to prevent any blood-borne diseases.
  • If your child comes down with a contagious illness and was in the classroom just before or at the onset of the illness, please contact the Team Leader(s), and let him/her know. In this case, they can then inform other parents whose children may have been exposed.

This “Well-child” policy exists for the protection of the children entrusted to our care. We regret that this policy sometimes means not admitting children that have been brought to our public gatherings.

What care is provided for special needs children?

We want to help any child who faces unique challenges related to physical, mental, behavioral, medical or emotional needs and enable them to hear the gospel and participate in the mission of First Baptist Enid. If your child faces such challenges, please contact us and we would be happy to make accommodations according to their needs.

I would like to volunteer to work in the children's ministry. How do I begin?

That's wonderful you are interested in serving our children and their families! To volunteer, adult volunteers must be members of First Baptist Enid and complete any necessary background checks, in accordance with FBC Enid's policies and procedures. To volunteer, please contact Elizabeth Kuykendall, our Children's Director, or the Church Office at 580.234.1133 or


If you have any questions or concerns about FBC Kids or would like to serve in these ministries please contact us.